The wedding ceremony and reception will be held at a private dining club called The Ruins. It is located at 570 Roy Street, Seattle, Washington, 98109 (see directions).
We'll be providing a shuttle for our out-of-town guests that runs between the Alexis Hotel and the Ruins. Schedule details can be found here. You can also take a cab; the ride from downtown to the Ruins will cost about $10.
Attire for the wedding should be that sexy red dress
you haven't been brave enough to wear yet. (If you don't
own one, Liesl has plenty of spares and is happy to lend
them out!)
The more red, the more pink, the more vibrant, the better!
For men, don't be afraid to break out that zesty pinstripe
suit you were talked into buying by a flamboyant salesman at Nordstrom.
If you look in the mirror
before the wedding and ask yourself,
"Is this outfit too much?", the answer is,
"No. No it isn't."
Consider, for illustration, the photograph on your right. Pictured is Jeremy's lovely and talented sister, Franny. Her dress is ideal for our wedding. When Liesl told her this, Franny didn't quite believe it. We hope that showing her photo as an exemplar will put the question to rest.
The ceremony will start at 5pm and will be followed by a reception that will last until 11pm.
Your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift you can give us. We're thrilled to be getting married amongst our closest friends and family. However, if you'd like to give a gift, we have some registry information on our contact page.